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Investasi Jumlah Nilai Investasi Sektor Primer Jumlah Nilai Investasi Sektor Sekunder Jumlah Nilai Investasi Sektor Tersier
Tanaman Pangan & Perkebunan/Food Crops & Plantation - - -
Peternakan/Livestock - - -
Kehutanan/Forestry - - -
Perikanan/Fishery - - -
Pertambangan/Mining - - -
Industri Makanan/Food Industry - 16592840000 -
Industri Tekstil/Textile Industry - 12189540000 -
Ind. Barang dari Kulit & Alas Kaki/Leather Goods & Footwear Industry - - -
Industri Kayu/Wood Industry - - -
Ind. Kertas dan Percetakan/Paper and Printing Industry - - -
Ind. Kimia dan Farmasi/Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry - - -
Ind. Karet dan Plastik/Rubber and Plastic Industry - - -
Ind. Mineral Non Logam/Non Metallic Mineral Industry - - -
Ind. Logam, Mesin & Elektronik/Metal, Machinery & Electronic Industry - - -
Ind. Instru. Kedokteran, Presisi & Optik & Jam/Medical Preci. & Optical Instru, Watches & Clock Industry - - -
Ind. Kendaraan Bermotor & Alat Transportasi Lain/Motor Vehicles & Other Transport Equip. Industry - 2052760000 -
Industri Lainnya/Other Industry - - -
Listrik, Gas dan Air/Electricity, Gas & Water Supply - - 103183400000
Konstruksi/Construction - - -
Perdagangan & Reparasi/Trade & Repair - - 262200000
Hotel & Restoran/Hotel & Restaurant - - 787780000
Transportasi, Gudang & Komunikasi/Transport, Storage & Communication - - -
Perumahan, Kawasan Ind & Perkantoran/Real Estate, Ind. Estate & Office Area - - -
Jasa Lainnya/Other Services - - 12667760000